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VENDIS Route Planning

VENDIS Route Optimization

VENDIS Route Optimization works very well in conjunction with VENDIS Sales Force and Field Automation to optimize daily routes primarily for delivery trucks and also for technicians who travel each day to install, repair and/or maintain outside equipment.

With route optimization, corporations with delivery vehicles can save tremendously by choosing the optimal route for their vehicles based on “real-time” traffic conditions. VENDIS Route Optimizer use state of the art technology and the most reliable real-time traffic data to make compute the best route for each vehicle.

We provide API to enable VENDIS Sales Force Application and 3rd party Software to use Route Optimization. Here is an example of the output produced by our route optimizer engine:


   "Status": {

       "Result": true,

       "Message": "VENDIS real-time Route Planning/Optimization !"


    "Optimize": "Duration",

    "Vehicles": [


       "VehicleId": 1,

       "Customers": [


                "Id": 12313133,

                "Seq": 1,

                "Lat": -6.29392,

                "Lon": 106.96898,

                "Address": "Jl. Jkt Blok a8 No.1, Jatirasa, Jatiasih, Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17424, Indonesia",

                  "Distance": 24291,

                "Travel Time": "38m, 13s",

                "ETA": "13:03:15"



                "Id": 12313131,

                "Seq": 2,

                "Lat": -6.19747,

                "Lon": 106.93826,

                "Address": "Jl. Boulevard Utara Blok T No.24, RT.17/RW.7, Penggilingan, Cakung, Kota Jakarta Timur, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 13940, Indonesia",

                "Distance": 42886,

                "Travel Time": "1h, 5m, 15s",

                "ETA": "13:30:17"



                "Id": 12313132,

                "Seq": 3,

                "Lat": -6.11844,

                "Lon": 106.78817,

                "Address": "Jl. Pluit Kencana 6 No.2, RT.4/RW.6, Pluit, Penjaringan, Kota Jkt Utara, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 14450, Indonesia",

                "Distance": 69022,

                "Travel Time": "1h, 48m, 46s",

                "ETA": "14:13:48"



                "Id": 12313135,

                "Seq": 4,

                "Lat": -6.196848,

                "Lon": 106.774759,

                "Address": "Jl. Raya Kb. Jeruk No.41, RT.3/RW.3, Kb. Jeruk, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11530, Indonesia",

                "Distance": 82099,

                "Travel Time": "2h, 18m, 5s",

                "ETA": "14:43:07"



                "Id": 12313134,

                "Seq": 5,

                "Lat": -6.1948,

                "Lon": 106.827951,

                "Address": "Jl. Sutan Syahrir No.33, RT.3/RW.5, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350, Indonesia",

                "Distance": 92405,

                "Travel Time": "2h, 44m, 32s",

                "ETA": "15:09:34"







In addition to real-time traffic data, VENDIS Route Optimizer also support multi vehicles within a single computation so that it works seamlessly with any standard ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems to manage pickup and deliveries.